"Travel Notebooks: Prague, Cezc Republic" (2015)
VIDEO: 1920x1080 HD - 00:03:03 - Written, directed and animated by Silvia De Gennaro
A doorway between the material and the supernatural world, where sacredness and magic live together.
Praga: una porta fra il mondo terreno e ultraterreno dove convivono sacralità e magia.
2018 - ”Cinematica Festival - In viaggio” – Sala Box-Mole Vanvitelliana – Ancona, Italy
2017 - "15° Busto Arsizio Film Festival” – Video Art Selection by Piero Deggiovanni – Busto Arsizio, Italy
2015 - “Meta_Cinema” Festival non competitivo delle audiovisioni ibridanti – Video Art Selection by Piero Deggiovanni - Accademia di Belle Arti, Bologna, Italy
FINE ART PRINTS - 100X70 cm - limited edition of 5 - 50x35 cm - limited edition of 10